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Zagreb to Rijeka for 60 Kuna

As of the 15th of August you can travel from Rijeka to Zagreb and from Zagreb to Rijeka for only 60 kn one way, a return ticket cost 110 kn. the offer applies to 5 daily departure in each direction,

As the ticket price is so cheap, there is no additional discount either for students, pensioners or for kids.

This offer is way cheaper then travelling with train and even if you are 4 persons considering renting a car it are really hard to compete with 240 Kuna for four bus tickets on this route

In Rijeka the bus departure from the main bus station, ticket from Rijeka to Zagreb you can find here:

Also in Zagreb the bus departures from the main bus station, ticket from Zagreb to Rijeka you can find here:

The bus company providing this special offer has not announced any end date of the offer.

Zagreb to Split for 119 kuna

As of the 30th of August it is possible to travel from Split to Zagreb or from Zagreb to Split for only 119 kn, a return ticket cost 190 kn. the offer applies to 6 or 7 departures in each direction,

For students and pensioners there is an additional 10% discount. Kids under 2 years has 80% discount compared to the adult ticket price. Tickets for kids between 2 and 12 years have 50% discount on the adult ticket.

With this offer a family with 2 adults and kids, can travel from Zagreb to Split or Split to Zagreb for 2*119 kn + 2*60 kn = 358 kn (618 kn return), this prices is way under what is would cost to travel by train, plan or car.

In Zagreb to bus departure from the main bus station, ticket from Zagreb to Split you can find here:

Also in Split the bus departures from the main bus station, ticket from Split to Zagreb you can find here:

The bus company providing this special offer has not announced any end date.