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Bus Linz to Croatia

From Linz there are a few weekly direct bus departures to Zagreb and cities in Slavonia, in addition to those departures is possible to travel from Linz to Vienna and then from Vienna to Zagreb where there are daily bus departure. In Linz the bus to Croatia, departure from Industriezeile 84 which is in the Eastern part of town, approx 4 km from the town centre and about 3 km from the main train station. Close to where the bus stops there is a large Cineplexx which you can use as landmark.


How to get to Industriezeile in Linz?

The exact address of where the bus stops is Industriezeile 84, 4020 Linz, the following GPS co-ordinates 48.299175, 14.322317 should take you to the exact stopping point of the bus.

If you depend on Public transportation to get to the bus departure point you have bus line nr. 27 from the DOM / old town, and bus line nr. 17 and 19 from the main bus station.

If you are getting there with car and need to park for shorter period, you can probably use the large parking space of the Cineplexx Linz.

Bus routes from Linz to Croatia:

Below we have list the direct routes from Linz to towns in Croatia, as well as other routes which you can travel to via Zagreb or Vienna, click on the route to see departure times and buy a bus ticket.

Bus from Linz to cities in the mainland part of Croatia

Linz to Zagreb Linz to Plitvice Lakes Linz to Vukovar
Linz to Slavonski Brod Linz to Nova Gradiska Linz to Cakovec
Linz to Varazdin Linz to Novi Marof Linz to Hum na Sutli
Linz to Osijek Linz to Novska Linz to Karlovac
Linz to Pozega Linz to Vinkovci Linz to Krapinske Toplice
Linz to Pregrada Linz to Zupanja

Bus from Linz to Cities in Dalmatia

Linz to Zadar Linz to Dubrovnik Linz to Split
Linz to Novalja Linz to Makarska Linz to Trogir
Linz to Biograd na Moru Linz to Brela Linz to Krka Waterfalls
Linz to Sibenik Linz to Vodice Linz to Tisno

Bus from Linz to cities in Kvarner

Linz to Rijeka Linz to Crikvenica Linz to Krk
Linz to Opatija Linz to Novi Vinodolski Linz to Cres

Bus from Linz to Cities in Istria

Linz to Pula Linz to Porec Linz to Rovinj
Linz to Novigrad Linz to Umag Linz to Vrsar
Linz to Medulin


Bus Salzburg to Croatia

Year around there are weekly departures between Salzburg and varius cities in Croatia, the most common travel route is from Salzburg to Zagreb, bus also cities like Slavonski Brod and Osijek are popular as destination. To get to the coastal cities a bus change in Zagreb is necessary, from there on there are buses to most holiday cities along the adriatic coast. If you travel to Istria, the fast option is to change bus in Ljubljana, from where there is bus to Rovinj, Porec and Pula. In Salzburg the bus departure from Lastenstraße which is on the „back side“ of the Salzburg main train station.


How to get to the Bus departure point in Lastenstraße?

As mention the bus stop for the bus to Croatia, is located at the back side of the main train station, the exact address is Lastenstraße 12. If you have GPS enabled on your phone these co-ordinates should take you to the exact location 47.813639, 13.047676

With public transportation the easiest is to travel to the main train station and then take to walking bridge to Lastenstraße.

If you are travelling by by car to the bus stop in Lastenstrasse, you have plenty of options for short term parking in the neighborhood of the bus stop.

Travel routes from Salzburg to Croatia

Below we have listed the direct bus connections form Salzburg to cities in Croatia as well as information about travel options to other parts of Croatia.

Bus from Salzburg to cities in the mainland part of Croatia

Salzburg to Zagreb Salzburg to Plitvice Lakes Salzburg to Vukovar
Salzburg to Slavonski Brod Salzburg to Nova Gradiska Salzburg to Cakovec
Salzburg to Varazdin Salzburg to Novi Marof Salzburg to Hum na Sutli
Salzburg to Osijek Salzburg to Novska Salzburg to Karlovac
Salzburg to Pozega Salzburg to Vinkovci Salzburg to Krapinske Toplice
Salzburg to Pregrada Salzburg to Zupanja

Bus from Salzburg to Cities in Dalmatia

Salzburg to Zadar Salzburg to Dubrovnik Salzburg to Split
Salzburg to Novalja Salzburg to Makarska Salzburg to Trogir
Salzburg to Biograd Salzburg to Brela Salzburg to Krka Waterfalls
Salzburg to Sibenik Salzburg to Vodice Salzburg to Tisno

Bus from Salzburg to cities in Kvarner

Salzburg to Rijeka Salzburg to Crikvenica Salzburg to Krk
Salzburg to Opatija Salzburg to Novi Vinodolski Salzburg to Cres

Bus from Salzburg to Cities in Istria

Salzburg to Pula Salzburg to Porec Salzburg to Rovinj
Salzburg to Novigrad Salzburg to Umag Salzburg to Vrsar
Salzburg to Medulin


Bus Graz to Croatia

All year around there is direct bus connection form Graz to Croatia, the most common travel route is from Graz to Zagreb, but also the buses to Istria and Kvarner, which operates during the summer season are quite popular. In Graz the bus departure from the main bus station which is situated next to the main train station in Graz, the address of the location is Europaplatz, usually the international buses park by number 10, but this may vary to check when you are on site.


How to get to the Bus station at Europaplatz?

The exact location of the bus station, is Europaplatz (1-10) 8020 Graz, the GPS co-ordinates to the bus terminal are the following 47.072998, 15.417570.

From all parts of Graz you can easily reach the bus station, with either city buses or tram. If you are getting there from a city in the region, you can travel with train directly to the main trains station.

If you are dropped of by car, it is possible to go directly to where to bus departure, if you need parking in the area, have several parking garages in the neighborhood.

List of bus routes from Graz to cities in Croatia

Here you can see a list of bus routes from Graz to various cities in Croatia, click on the route name to see departure time, ticket prices and additional information about the bus route.

Bus from Graz to cities in the mainland part of Croatia

Graz to Zagreb Graz to Plitvice Lakes Graz to Vukovar
Graz to Slavonski Brod Graz to Nova Gradiska Graz to Cakovec
Graz to Varazdin Graz to Novi Marof Graz to Hum na Sutli
Graz to Osijek Graz to Novska Graz to Karlovac
Graz to Pozega Graz to Vinkovci Graz to Krapinske Toplice
Graz to Pregrada Graz to Zupanja

Bus from Graz to Cities in Dalmatia

Graz to Zadar Graz to Dubrovnik Graz to Split
Graz to Novalja Graz to Makarska Graz to Trogir
Graz to Biograd Graz to Brela Graz to Krka Waterfalls
Graz to Sibenik Graz to Vodice Graz to Tisno

Bus from Graz to cities in Kvarner

Graz to Rijeka Graz to Crikvenica Graz to Krk
Graz to Opatija Graz to Novi Vinodolski Graz to Cres

Bus from Graz to Cities in Istria

Graz to Pula Graz to Porec Graz to Rovinj
Graz to Novigrad Graz to Umag Graz to Vrsar
Graz to Medulin


Bus from Vienna to Croatia

From Vienna you have several daily bus departures towards destinations in Croatia, the buses the departure from the VIB bus terminal (Vienna International Busterminal), which is located Erdbergstraße 200 A, 1030 Wien, (by U3 Erdberg) If you are not familiar with Vienna and especially the VIB terminal, we recommend that you arrive at least 30 minutes before the departure of the international bus. In the area of the bus station, you have plenty of options to grab a bite of food or a cop of coffee.

If you have navigation, you should travel to this GPS co-ordinates, 48.191628, 16.413253 which is close to where you will find the bus. The buses are parked on the highway bridge, which crosses the Erdbergstraße, you will for sure find it.

Map VIB Terminal Vienna

With the Subway line U3 it takes about 10-15 minutes to get from the centre of Vienna to the terminal, if you arrive with car, there is a park and ride garage, jus next to the subway station

Below we have listed the cities you can travel to in Croatia from Vienna (Cities to where you can buy a ticket), the cities are listed according to the geographical region of Croatia where they are located.

Bus from Vienna to towns in the Kvarner Gulf

Vienna to Rijeka Vienna to Krk town Vienna to Cres town
Vienna to Crikvenica Vienna to Baska (Krk) Vienna to Osor
Vienna to Opatija Vienna to Malinska Vienna to Mali Losinj
Vienna to Novi Vinodolski Vienna to Njivice Vienna to Veli Losinj
Vienna to Lovran Vienna to Punat
Vienna to Moscenicka Draga Vienna to Omisalj

The main bus hub in Kvarner is Rijeka, from here you can basically reach any destination on the Kvarner mainland and on the Kvarner Islands.

Bus from Vienna to towns in Istria

Vienna to Pula Vienna to Rovinj Vienna to Porec
Vienna to Medulin Vienna to Vrsar Vienna to Umag
Vienna to Novigrad

In addition to the above listed destination, you can reach any destination on the coast from Rijeka to Pula like e.g. Rabac, with bus from Rijeka. If you are travelling to popular destinations like Vrsar, Novigrad, Umag you can either travel via Rijeka or via Rovinj or Porec.

Bus from Vienna to towns at in Dalmatia

Vienna to Split Vienna to Zadar Vienna to Dubrovnik
Vienna to Tisno Vienna to Sibenik
Vienna to Novalja Vienna to Krka Waterfalls

If your destination is not listed above, you should travel to Zadar if your destination is in the northern part of Dalmatia, for destination in Southern part of Dalmatia, you should travel to Split and then continue from there one

Bus from Vienna to towns in main land part of Croatia

Vienna to Zagreb Vienna to Plitvice Lakes Vienna to Vukovar
Vienna to Osijek Vienna to Slavonski Brod Vienna to Vinkovci

If your destination is not listed above, you should travel Zagreb which is the main hub for this region, from there on you can reach more or less any larger and midsized cities in the region.

VIB terminal Vienna