road distance between Pula and Trieste is 123 km and most the road is highway. Of the total distance, 94 kilometers are the highway or Istrian motorway which was completed in 2011.
Travel time between Pula and Trieste is 2 hours and the toll is 38 kune for cars. If you want to avoid the highway and toll, you can use local roads in Istria, but then you have to bear in mind that the trip to Trieste may be prolonged to 4 hours, especially during the season when there's more traffic on the roads.
Bus travel from Pula to Trieste
Bus between Pula and Trieste
operates all year round and in the season the number of departures increases. A detailed timetable for buses between Pula and Trieste you have below.
Ticket price from Pula to Trieste is about 100 kn in one direction; return ticket with same company has a disount. (
You can see return timetable here). If you travelling to the airport in Trieste, you have to change bus, at the main bus station in Trieste.
__DATE__ |
door to door service
no charge for flight delay
no luggage hassle
name sign
13 Feb |
Pula (HR) ,
Bus terminal
02h 00m
Trieste (IT) ,
Bus terminal
Pula (HR) ,
Bus terminal
Trieste (IT) ,
Bus terminal
Operational intervals
01.01. - 31.12.
Other dates with available routes:
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Map travel route Pula (HR) to Trieste (IT)
This information is supplied without liability
Day trip between Pula and Trieste
If you plan a
day trip to Trieste from Pula you can do it on your own or in the organization of tourist agents. Many travel agents in Pula offer one day trips to Trieste, their prices are around 250 kn for adults. As Trieste is not far, you can as well organize to go by car and see Trieste.
If you more people travelling, then car is from an economic point of view, definitely the best option
Visiting Trieste with an overnight stay
If you plan to stay in Trieste for a longer period of time, you can find a large selection of accommodation by clicking on the icons below.
Other means of transport
By car: If you don't have your own car when from driving to Trieste, you can rent on in Pula,
here you can check best car rental offers.
By train: travelling by train between Pula and Trieste is not possible.
By plane: since the road distance between the two cities is very short, there are no flights between the two cities.