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Bus Munich to Sibenik

Bus connections between Munich and Sibenik, year around it is possible to travel with direct bus from Munich to Sibenik, the lines are operated as pool lines, where both German and Croatian bus companies participate. In Munich the bus departure from the ZOB am Hackerbrucke, which is next to the central train station. In Sibenik the arrival point is the bus station, which is situated next to the sea, within walking distance of the old town. If you are going to Solaris, you will have to take a taxi from there on. The end to end bus travel time for the 900 km long bus route between Munich and Sibenik is about 12-13 hours.

__REVIEWS__CNT__ reviews
30 Apr | 19:30 Munich (DE) , ZOB Bus terminal
12h 35m Direct
08:05 Sibenik (HR) , ZOB Bus terminal
55 EUR
19:30 Munich (DE) , ZOB Bus terminal
08:05 Sibenik (HR) , Bus terminal
55 EUR
12h 35m Direct

Lubina Busfahrten (LUB)
10 reviews
route operational intervals
route map
30 Apr | 19:00 Munich (DE) , ZOB Bus terminal
13h 25m Direct
08:25 Sibenik (HR) , ZOB Bus terminal
19:00 Munich (DE) , ZOB Bus terminal
08:25 Sibenik (HR) , Bus terminal
13h 25m Direct

Croatia bus-Globtour-Jadran ekspres (CRB)
15439 reviews
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