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Dubrovnik to Rovinj

From Dubrovnik to Rovinj there is a travel distance of 700 km. Below we have listed departure time(s) for bus(es) between the cities, if the schedule should not match your itinerary we can recommend that you travel from Dubrovnik to Split and then from Split to Rijeka, from where you have plenty of daily buses to Rovinj. By car: The driving time by car is about 8 hours, from Dubrovnik it is possible to rent a car, one way only, depending on time of year fees may apply. By Train: not possible, as there are no trains to and from Dubrovnik By Plane: Basically possible (To the Pula airport) but requires one or two hubs.
Unfortunately we didn't find any bus route matching your criteria

__REVIEWS__CNT__ reviews
Dubrovnik (HR)
7h 2min
Rovinj (HR)
book a transfer
  • door to door service
  • no charge for flight delay
  • no luggage hassle
  • name sign
Unfortunately, we didn’t find any bus route matching your criteria.
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Map travel route Dubrovnik (HR) to Rovinj (HR)

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