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Dubrovnik to Belgrade (Serbia)

Travelling from Dubrovnik to Belgrade: The shortest route between Dubrovnik Croatia to Belgrade in Serbia has a distance of app. 550 km. In addtion to the bus departures liste below, it is possible to travel from Dubrovnik to Sarajevo and then continue to Belgrade from there one. During sommer season there is usually also a direct plane between the cities.

__REVIEWS__CNT__ reviews
Dubrovnik (HR)
7h 22min
Belgrade (RS)
book a transfer
  • door to door service
  • no charge for flight delay
  • no luggage hassle
  • name sign
29 Apr | 16:00 Dubrovnik (HR) , Bus terminal
14h 15m 1change
06:15 Belgrade (RS) , Bus terminal
16:00 Dubrovnik (HR) , Bus terminal
06:15 Belgrade (RS) , BAS beograd Bus terminal
14h 15m 1 change

Croatia bus-Globtour-Jadran ekspres (CRB)
15438 reviews
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