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Bus Umag Slavonski Brod

Bus Umag Slavonski Brod

Getting from Umag (HR) to Slavonski Brod (HR) by bus is easy and fairly cheap compared to other travel options. The number of daily departures might vary depending on the travel date. On the busiest travel dates between Umag (HR) and Slavonski Brod (HR), there is more than 1 departures. The earliest departure time is at and the latest arrival time is at . The fastest bus has a travel time of hours and minutes. In Umag (HR) there are 2 departure locations and in Slavonski Brod (HR) there is 1 arrival location.

Each bus departure usually only drives from one of the departure locations. More information is available during the booking process.
ARRIVES IN Slavonski Brod
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Map travel route Umag (HR) to Slavonski Brod (HR)

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