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Porec to Trieste

The road distance between Porec and Trieste is 80 kilometers and the trip takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Of the total distance, 40 km refer to the highway (part through Croatia) and the toll fee for cars on this route is about 17 kuna. If you don't want to use the highway, you can use local roads through Istria in which case the trip will be about 30 minutes longer. If you final destination is the Trieste airport beware that the airport is situated about 40 km northwest of Triest, which means app. 120 km from Porec. Bus travel Porec – Trieste Bus between Trieste and Porec drives throughout the year and in the season the number of departures increases. Timetable for bus Pula and Trieste you can see below. The travel time by bus between Porec and Trieste is about 1 hour and 45 minutes and the ticket price is around 80 kuna. From the bus station in Trieste you have frequent buses to the airport Trieste.

__REVIEWS__CNT__ reviews
19 Apr | 07:30 Porec (HR) , Bus terminal
01h 25m Direct
08:55 Trieste (IT) , Bus terminal
14 EUR
07:30 Porec (HR) , Bus terminal
08:55 Trieste (IT) , Bus terminal
14 EUR
01h 25m Direct

1810 reviews
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Map travel route Porec (HR) to Trieste (IT)

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One day tripfrom Porecto Trieste Since Trieste is not far away from Porec, a one day trip to Trieste is very easily organized whether you organize it yourself or search for an offer in some of the local tourist agencies in Porec. If you decide to do it yourself, you can use public transport or your own car. Regular bus service from Porec is available from early in the morning and the return is in the late afternoon, (Return timetable you can see here) so you have plenty of time to see the city of Trieste. Travel from Porec to Trieste with an overnight stay If you plan to visit Trieste and stay overnight, a large selection of accommodation can be found by clicking on the icons below:




Other means of transport By train: travelling from Porec to Trieste by train is not possible. By plane: the distance between Porec and Trieste is small so there are no direct flight between Porec and Trieste.