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Bus Munich to Imotski

Bus departure between Munich and Imotski. During the last year, various companies has tried operating a route between the cities, but unfortunately the route has not been operated consistently. If we have no route(s) listed below, the best option is either to travel from Munich to Zagreb and the continue to Imotski from there on, or alternatively travel from Munich to Split and then take domestic bus to Imotski from there on.

__REVIEWS__CNT__ reviews
30 Apr | 19:30 Munich (DE) , ZOB Bus terminal
15h 40m Direct
11:10 Imotski (HR) , ZOB Bus terminal
53 EUR
19:30 Munich (DE) , ZOB Bus terminal
11:10 Imotski (HR) , Bus terminal
53 EUR
15h 40m Direct

Lubina Busfahrten (LUB)
10 reviews
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