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Bus from Frankfurt to Croatia

All year around it is possible to travel with schedule bus from Frankfurt am Main to various cities in Croatia, the most popular destination is Zagreb, to where there is connection most days of the year. In Frankfurt the bus departure from the bus station, or actually it is more like a bus stop, on the south side of HBF (Frankfurt central train station). In the area there are plenty of shops and place where you can grab a bite to eat or a cop of coffee, in case you have to wait. The address of bus stop is Mannheimer Strasse, the bus stop is around house number 6. Make sure to arrive half an hour before the schedule departure so you have time to locate the exact spot where the bus will stop. Bus station Frankfurt MapHow to get to the Bus stop in Mannheimer Strasse? If you have a GPS enable phone you can enter the following co-ordinates 50.105359, 8.663046, these should take you to Mannheimer Strasse Nr. 6. If you are travelling with Train or public transportation, you just go to the "Hauptbahnhof" central train station, from where you have 200 - 400 metres to where the bus departures. If you are getting there by Tram you have a stop at the "HBF Sudseite" which is the closest you can get, alternatively you can also get of at the Baseler Platz, which is about 300 metres from where the bus departure. If you are brought there with car by family or friends, you have a large paid parking lot by Mannheimer Strasse Nr. 6, the parking entrance if from the Karlsruher Strasse. Bus connections from Frankfurt am Main to Croatia From Frankfurt you can travel "directly" (Buy a ticket to) to more than 20 cities in Croatia, below we have listed the cities sorted by geographical regions, click on the cities you wish to travel to, to see ticket prices and departure times of the bus. Bus from Frankfurt am Main to cities in the mainland part of Croatia

Frankfurt to Zagreb Frankfurt to Plitvice Lakes Frankfurt to Vukovar
Frankfurt to Slavonski Brod Frankfurt to Nova Gradiska Frankfurt to Cakovec
Frankfurt to Varazdin Frankfurt to Novi Marof Frankfurt to Hum na Sutli
Frankfurt to Osijek Frankfurt to Novska Frankfurt to Karlovac
Frankfurt to Pozega Frankfurt to Vinkovci Frankfurt to Krapinske Toplice
Frankfurt to Pregrada Frankfurt to Zupanja
If you are travelling to smaller cities in the northern region, you should go to closest large city of those listed above. The largest bus station in mainland Croatia is the one in Zagreb, after that comes, Osijek, Vukovar and Slavonski Brod Bus from Frankfurt am Main to Cities in Dalmatia
Frankfurt to Zadar Frankfurt to Dubrovnik Frankfurt to Split
Frankfurt to Novalja Frankfurt to Makarska Frankfurt to Trogir
Frankfurt to Biograd Frankfurt to Imotski Frankfurt to Krka Waterfalls
Frankfurt to Sibenik Frankfurt to Vodice Frankfurt to Tisno
If your are going to popular holiday destination in northern Dalmatia, you should travel to Zadar, from here you can reach, Zaton, Nin, Privlaka, Island Pag and other places in the area. If you are travelling to places on the dalmatian coast south of Split, like Omis, Podstrana, Brela, Baska Voda, Lokva Rogoznica, Duce, you should travel to Split and then continue from there on. Bus from Frankfurt am Main to cities in Kvarner
Frankfurt to Rijeka Frankfurt to Crikvenica Frankfurt to Krk
Frankfurt to Opatija Frankfurt to Novi Vinodolski Frankfurt to Cres
From Rijeka you can reach most smaller cities on the Kvarner coast direction Pula, like Lovran, moscenicka draga. Icici you should travel to Rijeka. If you are going to places on the Kvarner coast in direction south, like Dramalj, Select, Karlobag, you should travel to Crikvenica Bus from Frankfurt am Main to Cities in Istria
Frankfurt to Pula Frankfurt to Porec Frankfurt to Rovinj
Frankfurt to Novigrad Frankfurt to Umag Frankfurt to Vrsar
Frankfurt to Medulin
If you are travelling to cities like, Fazana, Rabac or Labin, you can do so from Pula, if you are travelling to Motovun, Buzin, Groznjan or other cities in the inland of Istria, you can do so from Porec. Franfurt bus station