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Bus Munich to Novi Vinodolski

Bus schedule from Munich to Novi Vinodolski, year around it is possible to travel with direct bus between the cities; the travel time for the 555 km long bus route is about 8-9 hours. The bus travel via Rijeka and Crikvenica. If you are going on holiday and plan to return to Munich from Novi Vinodolski, you should buy a discount return ticket, usually you can save 20-25% compared to the price of two single tickets. In Munich the bus departure from the ZOB at Hackerbruecke, here you can see how to find the station, in Novi Vinodolski, the bus will drop you off at the main bus station, from there you can reach most part of the city by foot.

__REVIEWS__CNT__ reviews
29 Apr | 22:00 Munich (DE) , ZOB Bus terminal
08h 25m Direct
06:25 Novi Vinodolski (HR) , ZOB Bus terminal
22:00 Munich (DE) , ZOB Bus terminal
06:25 Novi Vinodolski (HR) , Bus terminal
08h 25m Direct

Arriva - Autotrans (ATR)
8917 reviews
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