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Porec to Umag

The shortest road distance between Porec and Umag by local road is 31 km and the trip lasts 50 minutes if there are no big delays on the road. Alternatively it is possible to drive via the Istrian highway total length of this alternative route is 42 kilometers. The entrance to the highway from direction Porec is at junction Baderna and the exit is at junction Umag. A toll on this route for cars is 18 kuna. If you decide to take the highway you will get ten minutes earlier to your destination in comparison to travelling on the local road.

__REVIEWS__CNT__ reviews
29 Apr | 15:30 Porec (HR) , Bus terminal
00h 47m Direct
16:17 Umag (HR) , Bus terminal
15:30 Porec (HR) , Bus terminal
16:17 Umag (HR) , Bus terminal
00h 47m Direct

Arriva - Autotrans (ATR)
8917 reviews
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route map
Air-conSeat belt
29 Apr | 05:20 Porec (HR) , Bus terminal
00h 40m Direct
06:00 Umag (HR) , Bus terminal
05:20 Porec (HR) , Bus terminal
06:00 Umag (HR) , Bus terminal
00h 40m Direct

Arriva - Autotrans (ATR)
8917 reviews
route operational intervals
route map
29 Apr | 14:30 Porec (HR) , Bus terminal
00h 50m Direct
15:20 Umag (HR) , Bus terminal
14:30 Porec (HR) , Bus terminal
15:20 Umag (HR) , Bus terminal
00h 50m Direct

Arriva - Autotrans (ATR)
8917 reviews
route operational intervals
route map
29 Apr | 19:35 Porec (HR) , Bus terminal
00h 35m Direct
20:10 Umag (HR) , Bus terminal
19:35 Porec (HR) , Bus terminal
20:10 Umag (HR) , Bus terminal
00h 35m Direct

Arriva - Autotrans (ATR)
8917 reviews
route operational intervals
route map
Air-conWifiSeat belt
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Map travel route Porec (HR) to Umag (HR)

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Bus travel between Porec and Umag A detailed bus schedule between Porec and Umag can be seen here. Buses between these two cities operate all year long, and more lines are introduced during the season. Most buses take the local road and stops in Novigrad.