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Bus from Germany to Croatia

From Germany there are about 20 weekly bus departures to Zagreb and other cities in Croatia, the most frequent operated route is a daily departure from Frankfurt to Zupanja, this line goes via Zagreb. Driving time from Frankfurt to Zagreb is about 16 hours. Frankfurt Zagreb Zupanja From Stuttgart (Oberturkheim) there is two daily departure to Zagreb (The above mentioned line + other line), driving time from Stuttgart to Zagreb is 12 hours. Stuttgart zagrebThe Frankfurt route goes via Mannheim, Karlruhe, Pforzheim, Stuttgart, Ulm and Munich. The Stuttgart route goes via Ulm and Munich. From as far north as Hamburg, there is departure twice a week, the driving time from Hamburg to Zagreb is about 30 hours, this bus goes via Hannover, Hildesheim, Goettingen, Kassel, Nuremberg, Ingolstadt and Munich, from Zagreb the bus continues to Zupanja. Hamburg Zagreb Zupanja From Berlin there are two weekly bus departures to Osijek via Zagreb, driving time form Berlin to Zagreb is about 18 hours. Berlin to OsijekFrom Zagreb you can easily continue your travel to any city in Croatia, especially to the large cities like, Rijeka, Split and Dubrovnik, there are plenty of daily bus connection. Use the search form above to see which days the buses from Germany to Croatia are driving, you can also buy the bus ticket online at just click on the “BUY NOW” Bottom next to the search result