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Dubrovnik to Plitvice lakes

Plitvice LakesThe travel between Croatia’s two most important tourist sighs Dubrovnik and Plitvice lakes is not as easy and fast as most people think from looking at a map. Although the distance between the cities is only about 450 km, the travel time is quit long, by direct bus more than 9 hours, by car, the trip can be done in about 6.5 hours. DO NOT forget to bring a valid passport, as the road passes through Bosnia and Herzegovina, by Neum. Travelling by bus from Dubrovnik to Plitvice lakes: Currently there in only one direct bus from Dubrovnik to Plitvice Lakes, departure time you can see below. Alternative we can recommend first travelling to Split, and then catching bus from Split to Plitvice Lakes, you can check bus departures Dubrovnik – Split here, and bus departures from Split to Plitvice lakes here.
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Dubrovnik (HR)
5h 6min
Plitvice Lakes (HR)
book a transfer
  • door to door service
  • no charge for flight delay
  • no luggage hassle
  • name sign
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Map travel route Dubrovnik (HR) to Plitvice Lakes (HR)

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Travel tips Dubrovnik – Plitvice Lakes: If you are not under time pressure, Make sure, to take a bus travelling along the coast for the part Dubrovnik to Split, get a seat at the left site of the bus, you will have an amazing view of the Dalmatian coast on this part of the trip. Visitors guide with information about entrance and walking around the national park Plitvice lakes you can find here. Staying overnight at Plitvice Lakes: For anyone who has time we recommend an overnight stay by the Plitvice lakes, the nature is absolutely stunning, for that purpose there are several options, the most convenient is the hotels by the entrance of the park, you can find a list of the hotels below. If you would settle for less than a hotel, we can recommend finding an apartment or a room in one of the smaller villages next to the park, you can find a selection of such accommodation units by clicking on the icon:




Other means of Transportation: By Car: Travelling by car to Plitvice is quite easy, the fast way is to access the Highway by Ploce and then continue to the exit point which, is marked with “exit for Plitvice lakes”, as mentioned above travel time is about 6.5 hours. Alternative to the highway route, where toll apply, it is possible to travel along the coast to Zadar and then follow the country route to Udbina and then Plivice, this trip will take about 9-10 hours, for the extra hours, you get to see the beautiful Dalmatian coast line, and you save a bit of money on toll and fuel. – If you don’t have a car you cant rent one in Dubrovnik / Dubrovnik Airport here. Transfers: If you are travelling directly from the airport in Dubrovnik, you can also choose the option of a transfer (driver included). More information about the cars and prices you can find here. Plane: the closest airport to Plitvice lakes is that airport in Rijeka (On island Krk), but as there is no connection between Dubrovnik and Rijeka/Krk this is not an option, only option from Dubrovnik is to fly to Zagreb, which is about 180 km from the Park. Using this option you might be able to save a few hours, especially if you rent a car in Zagreb.