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Zadar to Novalja

NovaljaZadar is the closest airport city, which makes it the most obvious choice for travelers heading for Novalja. The distance from Zadar to Novalja is about 80 km, when following the shortest route. From Zadar Airport the fastest route is about 90 km.

Travelling by bus from Zadar to Novalja:

From Zadar city center there is a handful of daily departures towards Novalja, traveling time by bus is about 1 hour 30 minutes, please note that majority of buses are seasonal, so remember to check your exact traveling date. You can see the timetable below.

Bus from Zadar Airport to Novalja: Getting from the Airport in Zadar to Novalja with direct bus is not possible, what you have to to do is first to take the Airport bus to Zadar main bus station, which is where the buses to Novalja departure. You can find information about the Zadar airport bus here.


__REVIEWS__CNT__ reviews
Zadar (HR)
1h 20min
Novalja (HR)
book a transfer
  • door to door service
  • no charge for flight delay
  • no luggage hassle
  • name sign
18 Apr | 10:15 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
01h 30m Direct
11:45 Novalja (HR) , Bus terminal
14 EUR
10:15 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
11:45 Novalja (HR) , Bus terminal
14 EUR
01h 30m Direct

Antonio tours Pag (ATP)
986 reviews
route operational intervals
route map
18 Apr | 12:00 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
01h 30m Direct
13:30 Novalja (HR) , Bus terminal
14 EUR
12:00 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
13:30 Novalja (HR) , Bus terminal
14 EUR
01h 30m Direct

Antonio tours Pag (ATP)
986 reviews
route operational intervals
route map
18 Apr | 14:00 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
01h 30m Direct
15:30 Novalja (HR) , Bus terminal
14 EUR
14:00 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
15:30 Novalja (HR) , Bus terminal
14 EUR
01h 30m Direct

Antonio tours Pag (ATP)
986 reviews
route operational intervals
route map
18 Apr | 17:00 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
01h 30m Direct
18:30 Novalja (HR) , Bus terminal
14 EUR
17:00 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
18:30 Novalja (HR) , Bus terminal
14 EUR
01h 30m Direct

Antonio tours Pag (ATP)
986 reviews
route operational intervals
route map
18 Apr | 20:00 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
01h 45m Direct
21:45 Novalja (HR) , Bus terminal
14 EUR
20:00 Zadar (HR) , Bus terminal
21:45 Novalja (HR) , Bus terminal
14 EUR
01h 45m Direct

Antonio tours Pag (ATP)
986 reviews
route operational intervals
route map
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Map travel route Zadar (HR) to Novalja (HR)

This information is supplied without liability

Other means of Transportation:

By Car: traveling by car from Zadar or Zadar Airport to Novalja takes about 1 hour 15 minutes. If you need a rented car; you can find rentals offers in the city center and the airport here.

Transfer: If you carry lots of luggage and you wish to avoid to hassle of having to change bus one or more time to get to Novalja, you could consider booking a door to door private transfer, price for transfer depends on day of transfer and size of vehicle, you can check transfer for various number of persons here

Services in Novalja:

If you still haven’t found you accommodation in Novalja, you might want to check out the hotel offers or apartments offers before you arrive. The accommodation offer in Novalja of course also include budget hostel and bed and breakfast. The whole range of offers you can see by clicking on the icons here:


