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Bus Vienna to Mali Lošinj

Can you travel by bus from Vienna to Mali Losinj in Croatia? Yes you can, whole year around it is possible to travel via Rijeka to Mail Losinj, on the whole year route it is not possible to buy tickets end to end so you separately have to buy a ticket for the bus from Vienna to Rijeka (timetable here) and then from Rijeka to Mali Losinj. The end to end travel time for the 640 km long bus route from Vienna to Mali Losinj is about 12-13 hours. During summer month there is also touristic buses driving between the cities, the touristic buses normally have some restriction in relation to minimum number of passengers, below you can see departure details of those buses. Return bus tickets has a discount, if you need to check out the returning time table you can do so here.
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Map travel route Vienna (AT) to Mali Losinj (HR)

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