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Bus from Lucerne to Croatia

If you travel from Lucerne in Switzerland to any town in Croatia, your bus will depart from the Bus terminal at Inseliquai 10 which is close to the Lucerne train station. As the area can be a bit confusing, we recommend you arrive at the station 30 minutes before the departure of your bus. If you have a phone with GPS, these co-ordinates should take you to approximate location of the bus 47.049357, 8.313985 (Just copy them to Google maps) You can also try to find the address Inseliquai 10, 6005 Lucerne, or alternatively Europaplatz. If you arrive there by local bus or train you will probably be at the Bahnhofplatz, which is about 3-400 metres from Inseliquai 10. Inseliquai bus station Lucerne Below we have listed the cities you can travel to in Croatia (Cities to where you can buy a ticket), the cities are listed according to the region of Croatia where they are located. Bus from Lucerne to towns in main land part of Croatia

Lucerne to Zagreb Lucerne to Plitvice Lakes Lucerne to Vukovar
Lucerne to Varazdin Lucerne to Pozega Lucerne to Osijek
Lucerne to Slavonski Brod Lucerne to Vinkovci Lucerne to Cakovec
Lucerne to Karlovac Lucerne to Pregrada Lucerne to Hum na Sutli
Lucerne to Zupanja Lucerne to Nova Gradiska Lucerne to Krapinske Toplice
Lucerne to Novi Marof
If your destination is not listed above, you should travel to Zagreb which is the main hub for this region; from there on you can reach more or less any larger and midsize city in the region. Bus from Lucerne to towns at the Adriatic coast (Rijeka to Dubrovnik)
Lucerne to Split Lucerne to Rijeka Lucerne to Zadar
Lucerne to Dubrovnik Lucerne to Cres Lucerne to Sibenik
Lucerne to Makarska Lucerne to Crikvenica Lucerne to Krka
Lucerne to Krk Lucerne to Tisno
Lucerne to Novi Vinodolski Lucerne to Novalja
Lucerne to Opatija
If your destination is not listed above, you should travel to Rijeka if your destination is in the Kvarner Gulf. For destinations in middle Dalmatia you should travel to Zadar, and for destinations in southern Dalmatia to Split and then continue to your final destination from there on. Bus from Lucerne to towns in Istria
Lucerne to Pula Lucerne to Rovinj Lucerne to Porec
In addition to the above listed destination, you can reach any destination on the coast from Rijeka to Pula like e.g. Rabac, with bus from Rijeka. If you travel to popular destinations like Vrsar, Novigrad, Umag you can either travel via Rijeka or via Rovinj or Porec.